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"And this time, put your phone away for a few days

Make some memories that no-one knows about.

Make some memories that are just yours."

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erba di pampa

This Summer:

Don't worry about things you would usually be worrying about. Never turn down a chance to swim or tan. Listen to music. Make it loud. Whatch sunsets more than TV. Stop worrying about someone ignoring your texts, they don't matter right now. Don't care about what people say or think of you. Ignore it. Be with friends that matter most.

Do something unpredictable or something you usually wouldn't.

Stay up at night. Walk at night and the morning. Sleep in. Go swimming.

Do whatever the hell you want because it's summer and summer is meant for fun. Take risks or you'll lose the chance and sooner or later summer will come to an end. Don't end your summer with regrets.

Make the most of it and smile to the sun as much as you can.

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